Monday, July 26, 2010
Lovely love.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
She's alive! She's real! And she's fabulous!
This week I finally got to meet her! And by her, I mean my name sister Susan Patton. In my head I call her Florida Susan Patton, but I don't think she goes by that herself. Nearly everyone in my network of friends and family knew about our lunch date. Phone calls were coming in, "Is today the day?" and "Are you so excited?" were some of the questions I fielded the morning of our lunch date. You'd think I was meeting my mail order groom or Oprah by the way everyone was acting. Heck, you'd think that by the way I was acting. 'What am I wearing? Why can't I find my eyeliner? Oh man, I need to iron something.' were the pressing thoughts in my head. After all, I was meeting Florida Susan Patton for the first time. Even though we'd been emailing back and forth for months, we'd never had the opportunity to meet in person. (For anyone who would like a refresher on how our lives first intersected, read here.) Thanks to her western Pa roots + her extensive network of friends and family in this area {God bless each and every one of you, by the way} I got my chance!
Okay, so let me tell you about her because there's a lot to like.~
She's the perfect mix of friendly/reserved, she's curious and sensitive, she's generous with her time and her talents, she likes to laugh, she's open to whatever you ask, she's smart and thoughtful, she's had just the right amount of life experience to make her interesting but not jaded, she loves her family and her friends, she's addicted --correction-- thoroughly enjoys all things photography-related, and she's really good at staying within two pounds of her goal weight.You know what else I learned about her?
She likes to paint trim. And she's here until next week.
{Insert obnoxious fist pumps and a woohoo!}
What's not to like about Florida Susan Patton?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Who knew?
Monday, July 5, 2010
Get your silly on.

I love being silly. I always have. And now that I'm a mom and an aunt, I have a good excuse to get my silly on. A lot. Yesterday, we spent a good chunk of time jumping in the yard. Why, you ask? Answer: Why not? Pictured above are my Boyd nephew and nieces. They are always up for being silly with me and I love them for that.
Why not celebrate with us?
Saturday, July 3, 2010
3 July 2010.
We gave thanks for all that is good...and even not so good in our lives.
Once we found the container, we pulled out the treasure and the list of people who have found and replaced it with other treasures before us. This particular site had visitors starting back in 2006 and has had regular visitors since.
We replaced the treasure with a shell from Jekyll Island, GA, where Papa and Bukky spent many winters. Short of shoving an American flag into the tiny container, I can't think of a more perfect replacement for his site :)
Hope your 4th is full of treasures of your own :)
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Hello world!7 years ago
I'll Take That9 years ago
転職を成功させるための心構え9 years ago
Juliet's Birth Story.10 years ago
New kitty11 years ago
Moving out!12 years ago
And the lights came on....12 years ago
Soon to be sewing kit...13 years ago
The king is in the house.14 years ago