Mr. Sam graduated from his Early Learners Class. In a nutshell, the program involved two patient teachers, 12 adorable little kids, and an audience full of cameras. Nobody wanted to miss a single second of the 4-minute show. This picture cracks me up because it totally screams preschool graduation.
Speaking of huge events in Sam's life, we celebrated his 4th birthday. Oh, my aching heart. My baby is such a big kid all of a sudden. He's an underwear-donning, bicycle-riding, baseball-loving, joke-cracking fool these days! What a fantastic age.
Bug season has officially started. The Patton boys love nothing more than a good bug hunt in the summer. Today we found the mother of all spiders {cringe} while cleaning the garage. At this time, we are debating on what to do with it. Suggestions range from shaking the jar until the spider dies of blunt force trauma to the head (Sam's suggestion) to dumping it out on the driveway and poking it to death with a stick (Will's suggestion). I am pushing to keep it for use as a learning tool (when did I turn into such a dork?).
My cringing face was wiggling the camera too much to get a good shot, so this will have to do. Spiders just creep me out.
In addition to the start of bug season, it is now baseball season for Will. Dave is helping to coach, which is fun to watch. Go Huskies!
My name sister (Florida's very own, extra special Susan Patton) sent me her copy of the Photoshop Elements book last week. Pictured above is Will pretending to be me. It's a great read, what can I say? (Susan, thanks again - I'm loving it!!!) This brings me to the last item on my show-n-tell list.

Sweet Baby C. Ten-days-old and nothing but good.

Look at these little lips. Killing me!!!
I challenge you to think of one thing cuter than a sleeping baby. Time's up. Impossible.
You know I'm a sucker for hand shots.
And let's not forget big brother G.

Okay, seriously? Those toddler teeth, those little curls...I'm in love.

Here are the big boys, horsing around. Love this shot!!
(Thank you J&J for inviting me into your home.
You have an incredible family :)
I'd say you have had a busy week. And those Patton boys...very much the adorable all male variety. I miss bug hunts, little league, baseball cards littering the floor, and melting popcycles. (Nice job on the photo shoot too.)