Thursday, September 2, 2010

Separation anxiety.

My dear friend Evan, whom I love like a 6th toe, thinks that my blog has become too much about my photography adventures and not enough about my day-to-day life.  Apparently progress in potty-training and discussions about the contents of my cluttered purse are hard for him to live without.  Although I'd like to argue with Mr. 6th Toe (this is what I'd say in my imaginary debate:  Photography is a big part of me and my life and if you don't like it Mister Opinion then maybe you should take your blog-reading business elsewhere), I might have to agree with him.  Maybe I have gone a little overboard with the details of my photography adventures?  Humph.  I don't know.  At any rate, I will attempt to separate the two from here forward.  But I do so with a little lot of anxiety.  Afterall, I have worked so hard for so long to build up my huge following of 11 people.  What will happen to these people?  Will there be a split?  Will 6 of them decide to follow the old blog while the other five jump ship?  Will they give up reading it altogether, frustrated by the change?  I just won't know until I try.  So, from this point forward, if you're interested in my photography adventures, please check out .  If you would like to continue following along with my exciting domestic adventures, there is no need to leave your seat. The show will begin momentarily. 

My oldest went off to 1st grade this week.  {Gasp}!  In years past, I have been a little too slap-happy about the idea of my child being in school all day.  But this year is different.  I have so enjoyed having him home all summer.  He's a really good kid: thoughtful, calm, articulate, inquisitive...all sorts of good.  He says things like, "Mom, when you get to a good stopping point, could I have a drink?"  What kid says this?  I just really like him.  And now he's away all day.  And here I am making that pitiful pout face that those loser moms make when their babies go off to summer camp.  What is wrong with me?

He had just said, "Mom, could you maybe not take a bunch of pictures when the bus pulls up?"  (Answer:  Deal with it.  I love you.)

  Picture of the husband + babies taken at Sunday brunch.  I seriously love these three boys. 

I pressured our waitress into sitting across from us at brunch - poor thing - all she wanted to do was clean off the table and instead she got a 5-minute tutorial on how to hold a camera, focus, and take a decent picture without using a flash.  She totally earned her tip.  

Another picture of 2 of the 3 Patton boys.  Again:  Love. 

Okay, now I'm headed over to to post some pictures of a recent shoot.  Did you get that?  It's  Don't leave me hanging. 



  1. Well I for one plan on enjoying both. Great pictures of the family.

  2. I rather enjoyed visiting the beach through your lens... I have my coffee right here too:)

