My cousin Adam recently asked his sweetheart of a girlfriend Michelle to marry him. I couldn't be happier for them or our family. She's a perfect fit on so many levels. I got to spend some time with these two lovebirds over the weekend. What a cute, cute couple.

I love Michelle's expression here. And I wish I had recorded the sweet little 'aww' noise she made the moment Adam kissed her forehead. So very sweet.

To my photography buddies (because all of my non-photography buddies are sick of hearing me talk about lighting) I followed your advice and looked for sweet spots in the lighting all day. As Michelle and I were walking outside after lunch, I looked back at her, saw this light, and said 'ok, stop
right there. This is perfect." And it was.

You know I love the hand shots.

And the feet shots!

Welcome aboard, my dear Michelle! We are so happy to have you!!
I never get tired of looking at these! I need to post some on my blog...I could use some TIME!