Saturday, January 2, 2010

Following your star.

For years now, we haven't had a topper for our Christmas tree. Looking back, I always felt pressured to have the perfect something (which is silly considering we had a foil-covered cardboard star on our tree when I was a kid). Anyway, I think my 6-yr-old finally got tired of waiting for me to decide on something, so he took things into his own hands this year. Off to the craft box he went...paper, scissors, crayons, tape, and googly eyes. What more do you need, really? He ended up creating this wonderful topper: a grinning gold star with wide-eyes and out-stretched hands. And we all loved it. Throughout the month of December I found myself stopping to admire the little star. I love his expression - so upbeat and full of encouragement. It's as if he's reaching out with a high-five, a pat on the back, or a hug. Something each of us could use at some time or another, especially during the holidays.
But what I love most about the star is the significance it holds for the Christmas season and for each of us in the year ahead. From the story of the birth of Christ, we know that the wise men followed a bright star to find the baby Jesus. The wise men never questioned the path or the length of time they had to travel...they just followed. On a much smaller scale, Will had the idea to create a star and did just that. No questions asked. Done.
As 2010 begins, I hope to do the same. Without digging in my heels, without having all the answers, and without fear, I hope to quietly and faithfully follow my star. I'm not sure where this path is taking me, but I have to trust that it's where I need to be.
In 2010, my hope for you is the same. A bright star. A path to follow. No questions.
Happy New Year!


  1. I love the little crafts kids make! You should get it laminated...I have a funny feeling it will be the tree topper for many more years!

  2. I should get it laminated - good idea. I wrapped it gently in tissue paper and stored it for next year, but it could probably use more protection. I too, have a feeling we'll be seeing it again!

  3. Love it, love it, love it. You know I can identify. Our little wall paper angel has been sitting on top of our tree for almost 25 years. This happy little star will become priceless.

