My husband (wonderfully delusional as he is) just volunteered to take both boys, ages 3 and 6, with him while he runs 'man errands' today. That includes a drive up to Sandy Lake, PA to pick up some doors and windows for the new house. He will be borrowing his dad's pick-up truck to do the hauling, which means that he and the boys will be elbow to elbow, lined up on one seat. With no DVD player. For a long ride. Did I mention the two children. Boy children. Buckled into booster seats. No movie. Side-by-side? Part of me wishes I could secretly watch the chaos...as anyone who has traveled with two or more children in close proximity to one another knows. It will be loud. It will become physical. There will be tears. And that's just the grown-up I'm talking about. Honey, if you read this - I love you for taking them today. This is a gift that I so appreciate.
Okay, moving on. Anyone who knows me knows that if I have a spare minute to myself, I am playing with my camera or looking at pictures I've taken. Today is no different. The attached pictures are of random shots yesterday. Typical moments at our house....the kids on the floor with legos, chasing each other through the house, sitting at the kitchen table with a snack and a cartoon. This is life with two boys. It really is a wonderfully long ride together, side-by-side...with some yelling along the way, but with much love too.
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