In my family, I'm notorious for being late. Ever since I was a kid, I've been a foot-dragging, lolly-gagging, slow-poke of a person. Trust me, I have good intentions and high hopes of being prompt. And in all fairness, I've had moments of shocking timeliness. But for the most part, I excel at being just a little behind.
With this being said, the following includes highlights from this past Sunday...a little late of course.

Will competed in his first Home Builders Association Lego competition at the cathedral. For anyone who knows my kid, he is obsessed with all things lego. It's all he thinks about. It's all he talks about. His free time totally revolves around legos. And I truly believe if we were to study his DNA, we would find millions of tiny rainbow colored building blocks. He's the lego kid. (And he's the one in the black t-shirt in the bottom left corner).

Sam had a hard time sitting still during the competition. Thank God we found vendors at the show who 1) tolerated small people with hundreds of random questions and 2) had candy.

Will took home the blue ribbon in his age division with his lego home, car and greenhouse (way to make the family proud, buddy!)

The highlight of my day was spotting Florida Susan Patton's sister, Judi. She said she recognized my kids right away from pictures she's seen on this blog and I recognized her right away from photos I've seen on her sister's blog (see 'Life in Color' to the right). None of us are safe anymore, are we !!!? But what a wonderfully, small world this is. Judi, it was great to meet you!

The highlight of Sam's day: getting a free rubber eyeball from Judi. Correction, getting two free rubber eye balls, since he launched the first one somewhere into the room of vendors in the basement. Nice. And speaking of nice, check out Sam's mouth. I need to start posting a weekly injury report. More on that later.

Judi, you don't know how much joy you've brought my family.
Hope everyone is having a joy-filled day as well!