The last few days have been GLORIOUS. We have been outside as much as possible, burning off energy from the brutally long winter. We are lucky to live near our cousins, who make wonderful outdoor buddies. When the Pattons pair up with the Lenharts, there are a total of six kids. Five energetic boys + one sweetheart of a little girl. Pictured above is the youngest of the Lenharts, Miss Elyse, who was showing off her pigtails.
This is Ryan (age 7) who is always up for any challenge or dare. Here, he has agreed to run back and forth in the yard while I photograph him. He was hilarious and I had a hard time taking pictures of him because I was laughing so hard.
Can you spot the tree climbers? Hint: look near the top of this pine!!!
Another pigtail shot!
Sweetness. Love the wind blowing her hair and her sweet little smile.
Love. the. boots.
Elyse, not knowing the answer to the question,
"How'd you get so cute?"
Swings!! Blue skies!! Is this heaven?
This is my screen saver right now.
The feet + the laughing + the blue sky = me smiling.
Dirtbag Sammy.
If a dirty face is any indication of how much fun
he had with his cousins, I think it's safe to assume he had a ball.
Welcome, Spring.
I am so very happy to see you.
What fun growing up with your cousins and having room to romp. They looked like they had a great day.